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DRAMA Error reporting system. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/ers
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DRAMA 2 Example code and documentation. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/Drama2Examples
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Module for mathematical utilities developed by external parties
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2dFdr Standard Star data files. Where were part of the 2dFdr/FMOS build, but are no longer maintained. Should look to remove them.
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DRAMA web pages - other then automatically generated ones. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/DramaHtml
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Various utilities needed to build DRAMA pariticulary under VMS. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/DramaPortUtils
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Copy of the makedepend tool for updating Makefile - DRAMA version. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/makedepend
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DRAMA's JAVA Interface. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/djava
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DRAMA start up files etc. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/drama
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DRAMA portable status code library. Merged into "DRAMA API - git@dev.aao.org.au:rds/drama/drama.git" as drama_source/status
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Original version of Figaro which was loaded into the RDS GitLab - does not have history from ACMM. There is a new load of Figaro with the history.
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