Explore projects
This repository is used by the DRAMA specific templates to drive the creation of the templates. Each of the Drama template modules includes this repository as a sub-module and uses it to create the new repository.
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The AAO's DRAMA API. A merge of all the previous sub-repositories into one. For details on DRAMA, see http://drama.aao.org.au/html/dramaintro.html
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Pat Wallace s slalib library source - obfuscated C language version. Used as a sub-module by 2dfdr. Should really only distribute the bits that are needed.
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A template of a C language (DRAMA 1 API) DRAMA task.
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Contains the 2dFdr regression tests. Uses git submodules to access the sample data in https://dev.aao.org.au/rds/2dfdr/sample. Is executed by the 2dfdr repository CI.
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rds / cfitsio
OtherWilliam D. Pence s C FITSIO library. Used as a sub-module by 2dfdr. Original source at https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/fitsio/
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