Explore projects
The AAO's DRAMA API. A merge of all the previous sub-repositories into one. For details on DRAMA, see https://drama.aao.org.au/dramaintro.html
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Builds a Docker image used for testing the DOT High Res spectrograph software
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datacentral / Public / q3c / django-q3c
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseWrapper around q3c for its use in django apps
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"Was named acmmSystem". AAO instrumentation software build systems and related tools. Took over from "acmmSystem" tools.
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rds / DustRover
MIT LicenseUpdated -
The AAO's Fibre instrument data reduction package - 2dFdr. Created from a merge of component repositories - see merge_notes/README.txt for more details. Contains a number of submodule repositories fetched from the AAO GitLab instance.
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datacentral / k8s / twodfdr-jupyterhub
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
datacentral / k8s / x11-jupyterhub
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseAttempt to setup remote desktop X11 sessions via jupyterhub. Adapted from https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyter-remote-desktop-proxy.
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This repository is used by the DRAMA specific templates to drive the creation of the templates. Each of the Drama template modules includes this repository as a sub-module and uses it to create the new repository.
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This is the base Docker image on which the DRAMA software is built. It is just a shortcut to a Docker with the required packages installed.
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adacs / eso-downloader
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA tool/library for download both public and propriety data from the ESO archive. Documentation at https://adacs.survey.org.au/eso-downloader.
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Example Jupyter Notebooks for interacting with Data Central services.
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A project to test experimental jupyterhub ideas in a sandpit environment.